Table of Contents

'mbgtools' for Windows

The mbgtools command line tools from the driver package for Linux, FreeBSD, etc. are also available for Windows, and can optionally be used together with the standard driver software package for Windows.

The current version mbgtools-win-4.2.20 is based on v4.2.20 of the driver package for Linux (mbgtools-lx) and requires v3.14 or later of the driver package for Windows (i.e., dkwin-3.14 or later) to be installed.

An overview of the included tools can be found on this page.

There are some ZIP files available that provide precompiled binaries that have been signed by Meinberg. The associated SHA256 checksum files can be used to check the integrity of a particular ZIP file.

Release Versions

Stable Development Versions

Source Code

The source code including project files for Visual Studio 2008 as well as makefiles for the MSYS2/MinGW build environment is available as git repo:

The git repo also provides links that can be used to download the source code of particular versions of the package as ZIP file.

Martin Burnicki, last updated 2023-03-23