
'log_adj' - Monitor Windows Time Adjustments

This utility program can be used to monitor if and how the Windows system time is adjusted by some time synchronization software. It dos not modify the system time.

The program needs to be run in a command line / terminal window (cmd.exe on Windows).

v1.6 -- 2012-05-23

  • Support precision time API provided by Windows 8 and newer.

v1.5 -- 2012-05-15

  • Added support for VS2008 and native 64 bit builds.

v1.4 -- 2006-04-28

  • Support command line parameters, print usage.
  • Added readme.txt file.
  • Write to file only optionally.
  • Optionally modify MM timer while active.

v1.3 -- 2004-04-15

  • Print performance counter value.
  • Print version info retrieve from the resource record that has been added to the executable file.

v1.2 -- 2003-10-07

  • Check and display deltas of system time and performance counter to detect time steps.

v1.1 -- 2003-10-07

  • Initial revision.

Martin Burnicki martin.burnicki@meinberg.de 2019-09-04

  • kb/public_utilitiy_programs/log_adj_-_monitor_windows_time_adjustments.txt
  • Last modified: 2020-09-21 12:44
  • by