
'wclkres' - Test Resolution of the Windows System Clock

wclkres is a tiny command line program for Windows to test the resolution of the Windows system clock.

Depending on the command line, it calls either GetSystemTimeAsFileTime or GetSystemTime in a tight loop, and prints the difference of the returned time stamps whenever the returned time stamp has changed, or it reports some information on the Windows performance counter (QueryPerformanceCounter call).

Here is an executable program for Windows:

This program needs to be run in a command line / terminal window (cmd.exe).

Just unpack the downloaded ZIP archive and run wclkres.exe without any parameter to get some usage info.

The readme.txt file included in the archive provides some additional information.

v1.5 -- 2012-05-15

  • Added support for VS2008 and native 64 bit builds.

v1.4 -- 2010-11-15

  • Also try to measure the QPC execution time.
  • Print a warning if running on x64 with 32 bit emulation.

v1.3 -- 2009-12-14

  • Added quiet (-q) parameter
  • First evaluate all parameters, then execute associated routines.

v1.2 -- 2009-04-27

  • Optionally display performance counter frequency.

v1.1 -- 2005-11-18

  • Initial revision.

Martin Burnicki martin.burnicki@meinberg.de 2019-09-04

  • kb/public_utilitiy_programs/wclkres_-_test_resolution_of_the_windows_system_clock.txt
  • Last modified: 2020-09-21 12:44
  • by